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Patient Pathway

Stroke is a medical emergency and is normally not anticipated.

It is therefore important to always have available beds for new service users, this requires an efficient patient pathway through the hospital.


You should try to have a good understanding of the pathway as you may work at different stages within it and will certainly be referring patients to some of the below teams.





Time Since


Location Within Pathway





Hyper Acute Stroke Unit (HASU)

Medically stabalising and monitoring of situation

Initial Multi Disiplinary Assessments (Therapies) and rehabilitation

Respiratory Care, Pressure Care, Positioning,

Establishing ability to transfer and seating.

Accident and Emergency

Urgent medical care

Brain imaging to identify type of stroke

Thrombolytic (clot busting) treatment if required

Acute Stroke Unit (ASU)

Rehabilitation within the Multi Disciplinary Team

Discharge planning

Ongoing referral for additional rehabilitation or care



Enhanced Supported Discharge Team (ESD)

​Identify pateints with the potental for earlier discharge

Provide intensive rehabilitation in community for upto a couple of weeks.

Community Stroke Team (CST)

For patients who are more effectivly rehabilited within the community or can not attend hospital.

Medical Day Hospital (MDH)

Once a patient is able to safely attend hospital they can continue rehabilitation in a day hospital setting

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